The Key Lock Texting System (For Men to Fill Their Calendar with Dates)

If you want to learn exactly what to text a girl to get a date, you are going to get so much more than that. I want to share with you the exact sequence of
text that virtually guarantees you a date with every girl use this sequence on………guaranteed.

Enter Rob Judge…

Rob’s tiny apartment has been a revolving door of New York City’s hottestwomen… See Rob is able to consistently achieve a near impossible feat…

He is able to consistently turn phone numbers into dates from women who have hundreds of other guys breathing down their necks… Guys that are richer, better looking, and more “connected” in the city then him…

I heard the rumors about women night after night these women waking up naked in his apartment… And I had to know his secret

So I took the train into NY and met him at a grungy, little dive bar, on the top of the old Bentley Hotel…. And then over the course of a few hours (And a dozen or so Coronas) Rob explained to me exactly where I was messing up…

And then he laid out the entire Key Lock Sequence…

Pulling out his cell phone and showing me example after example of this stuff in action… Twenty minutes of scrolling through his text message archive on his iPhone and I was sold…

When I used the exact sequence to get a girl who had been avoiding me for months back to my place…. I became a disciple…

So I started to share some of these secrets with a few of loser friends… and watched as they used this exact sequence to:

  • Get responses from girls that had been blowing them off
  • Set up dates with girls they hadn’t talked to in months
  • Bring out the “sexual side” of girls who had previously seem frigid or cold..

During that same period Rob continued to refine, test, and perfect these techniques… (When you meet as many girls as he does you get a lot of practice)

The next thing we know both our inboxes are full of guys begging us to share the “secret sequence.” (Rob has even had guys pay him over $2000 to fly to NY and learn this stuff in person)

Finally I convinced him to package up what both of us have learned about using this magnetic form of text messaging to “Kick Start” a woman’s desire for you… into a simple, step by step program we call…you guessed it, The Key Lock Sequence. If you would like to learn more about this sequence
and see examples you can click here for the whole story.

If texting girls is not your thing, don’t waste your time, if it is, prepare for
your mind to be blown!


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