Long Distance Relationship in College

Tips for How to Maket a Long Distance Relationship in College Work


Lisa Johnson

In this article I want to share with you some practical tips for long distance relationships. Whether that be a year in high school, thinking about going into a long distance relationship for college, or you already are in a long distance relationship, and your looking for some tips to help you survive it.

You know, it’s hard, but myself and many of my friends have experience with long distance relationships. If you boyfriend is going off to colleg make sure you give him a meaningful going away gift. You will find some great ideas here.

If you are a regular leader of my articles, you know that I have a boyfriend who doesn’t go to the same school as me. He goes to the University of Tennesse and I go to the University of Kentucky. We both are originally from Tennessee and went to high school togehter, but our colleges are about four hours away.

We have been together for about almost four years now, we’ve been dating since junior high. We didn’t go to the same high school. And then we don’t go to the same college. Also, I want to disclaim that no one way shape or form. And I telling you guys, my relationship is perfect and you need to follow every single one of these tests, because I know everything about relationships. Every relationship is different. And these are just some things that helped me and Christian out. I wanted to pass them along to you guys. So here they are.

  1. To know the value of your relationship: And what I mean by that is, do you see yourself together in like the future? Just think about that because if you don’t see yourself being with this person, then you’re kind of wasting your time going into a long distance relationship in, in college.

    So it takes a lot of time and energy to do a long distance relationship. So are you ready for that or do you think it would be better for you guys to just split up? You know, you had a good run in high school, but you just don’t think that going to different colleges and being in a relationship is right for you.
  2. Taking a break: And taking a break isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It doesn’t mean your relationship is over. If you guys are meant to be together, you will end up getting back together. But if it’s better for you that you took this break and you realize that you just want to be single, don’t get back together with your significant other.

    If you’re just feeling lonely, that’s not a reason why you should be getting back together with that person. You should be fine as a human being independence.
  3. To be honest and have trust: So trust is a big, big, big factor in any relationship, not just long distance relationships, but definitely in long distance relationships it’s more because you just have to be trusting of your partner because you know, they’re going to be going to parties and you know that they’re going to be making other friends.

    So you just got to like trust them and know that they’re not going to do anything. And also be honest with the person. And I don’t just mean, be honest in case you messed up, be honest in case your feelings start to change it about being a long distance relationship, or you’re just feeling, start to change about the person.

    You never know, like you, you grow a lot in college and sometimes you can just grow apart from the person. So just let them know because it’s better to do that sooner rather than later.
  4. To create a balanced visiting schedule: So once you find out your price range of how much you can spend traveling. For me and Christian, I take the bus most of the time when I head home, and it’s like $39, depending on the time that I go on the bus. But if I did drive, then that means I have to pay gas money.

    So from there, then you can figure out how many times a month or just how many times you guys can visit each other. Can you visit each other once a month? Can you visit each other every three weeks or something like that?

    That’s what I typically do with Christian, me and him, we visit each other every month to every three weeks. So also taking consideration the fact that you guys should be taking turns, visiting each other at school. So like one month I’ll visit Christian at UK.

    And then the next month he’ll try to visit me at UT. That’s like one of the best things about going to different colleges is that you have basically the best of both worlds in the experience that your boyfriend or girlfriend’s school.

    I personally love it. Like I have my own thing here at TN. He has his own thing at Kentucky. And then like when we come together, get to experience each other’s colleges it’s pretty cool. Even though the University of Kentucky and University of Tennesee are arch rivals, we don’t let that effect the respect that we have for earch others school.
  5. To remember to communicate with each other: Those FaceTime calls, those phone calls and those texts throughout the day, they really add up a lot of times, school just gets really hectic and you just forget.

    Anyway, make sure you schedule some FaceTime dates. Take advantage of using technology. We are so lucky that we have FaceTime texting and phones.
  6. So my last tip is kind of optional. You don’t have to do this. My last tip is to do something extra sometimes. And by that, I mean, send like a care package during the holidays, send a card, a letter. So you can even plan a surprise visit to your significant other. You can coordinate with their roommates and try to plan a surprise visit. That would be so nice. An unexpected gift for your boyfriend is always a good idea.

    I did that with Christian one time. There’s actually a log of it. Just do a little something extra here and there to just remind the person that you care about them and you love them and you miss them. And you’re thinking about them. Long distance relationships are definitely tough. Just know in your heart that they’re completely 100% worth it because you are in it with the right person. You love them. And you can’t imagine yourself being with any other person. And you don’t want to imagine yourself being with any other person.

So I really hope these tips helped you out.  I am no relationship expert in any way. These are just some things that I picked up and I’ve learned through my experiences and through watching other people’s relationships and talking to all my friends about it. 

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