How to Tell if he is attracted to You (7 Signs)

Now men are usually an open book when it comes to attraction. If we want you, then we’re usually not very good at hiding it.

But the reason why this happens is because attraction is actually very different than it is for women. When it comes to initial attraction in what we first notice, there’s an old saying that men are attracted to women through their eyes, whereas women are attracted to men through their ears, and I tend to believe that that is the case.

But even still, some guys can be pretty good at hiding it, whether it’s because they’re embarrassed or they’re hiding it because they shouldn’t be attracted to you because you work together. So, in this video, I’m going to give you some signs that he’s attracted to you, even if he’s trying to keep it a secret. Keep watching.

Hey there, Adam Lodolce from, where I help you create your love story, and part one of this video are the seven signs that he’s secretly attracted to you. This is the video that you’ re watching right now, and I actually have a part two of this video that’s only available to the Sexy Confidence club members which is the three ways that you can show interest in a guy so that he knows that you’re also interested in him as well. That’s again only for Sexy Confidence Club members. If you want to watch the full video, go ahead and join the membership. It is in the link in the description, or you can click right up there, one of those cards, to be able to access it.

So, let’s just jump right into the seven signs that he’s secretly attracted to you.

  1. He’s Just Nervous When He’s Talking to You.

    Now, before I started Sexy Confidence and I was a dating coach for women, I actually used to coach men on how to go out and meet you sexy single ladies out there. And I remember when guys would show up for our coaching sessions and yes, I would take them out and we’d go out to a bar or a park and I’d coach them on how to confidently meet women, and one of the first things I noticed is just how nervous they were.

Even if they were trying to hide it, they would shake, they wouldn’t be able to make great eye contact and I think one thing women don’t realize is how insanely difficult it is for a man to overcome his fear to go up and approach you women.

So, if you’re finding that he’s really fidgety around you or he’s even shaking a little bit or he’s having trouble making eye contact, just realize it’s probably because he’s attracted to you.

  • He Smiles and He Opens Up His Body Language to You:

    Now when we’re attracted to someone, smiling is just a natural thing that happens. Science agrees. Think about it this way. Let’s say a guy who likes you sees you for the first time in a week. This means that neuronal signals travel from the cortex of the brain to the brainstem which is the oldest part of our brains, and from there the cranial muscle carries the signal further down to the smiling muscles in your face. He literally can’t help but smile, and yet that’s only where it starts.

Once the smiling muscles in our face contract, there’s actually a positive feedback loop that goes back into the brain and reinforces our smiling of joy, and essentially once we start smiling it makes us want to smile even more. Smiling makes us happy.

In short, when a guy sees you and he smile, he’s going to keep smiling even more because the smiling makes him smile even more, and all of this basically signals to you that he’s into you.

  • He’s Mean to You or Teases You:

    Which is insane, it doesn’t make any sense, is that he’s means to you or teases you. There are some guys out there who have what I call middle school game. They think that the way to get a girl to like them or a woman to like them is to be really mean to them. And I called it middle school game because that’s what of course we used to do in middle school; we would tease a girl or trip a girl, and chances are if we’re doing that it’s because we have a crush on them. Skip forward twenty, thirty years, there are some guys out there who are so bad at talking to women they implement the same strategy to women in their twenties, thirties, and beyond.

So, if you’re finding that a guy is unnecessarily mean to you or he teases you, there’s a definite possibility he likes you. If this has ever happened to you, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

  • You Get the Feeling That He’s into You: Be sure to listen to that gut, when you get that gut feeling that he’s into you, don’t allow that brain to override it because chances are your gut is correct.
  • He Goes Out of His Way to Be Very Well Groomed When He’s Around You: Did he have a new spray of fresh cologne when he sees you? Chances are, he’s probably into you.
  • He Goes Out Of His Way to Help You in Any Way: Men are natural providers and when we’re attracted to a woman and we want to be with her, I can definitely relate to this, you just want to do anything to help her out, whether it’s pick her up somewhere or maybe help her in some way even at work, or just do anything that makes her life easy.

I think this goes back to the caveman days where it’s like ‘caveman must go hunt in order to provide for woman”.

  • He’s Constantly Fixing Himself or Almost Grooming Himself When He’s Around You: One of my worst habits back when I was single and Jessica had said that I did this when I first met her, probably because I was really nervous even though I was trying to not look like I was nervous, is I would always do one of these when I would meet her.

Not a very sexy thing to do, but it was almost just something I would do naturally, and if you find that a man is grooming himself or touching his face or doing what he can, it’s a sign that he’s probably attracted to you.

So, I’d love to hear from you. Do you ever have any of these signs when you are attracted to a man? Leave a comment right there below.

You can click the link right there below in the description or right up there where I’m going to be talking about how it is that you can show interest in him so that he knows that hey, you’re interested.

Thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed this article, please give it a like or comment and don’t forget to subscribe Attract Love for more articles just like this every single week in our email newsletter. Thank you and I’ll speak to you next week, you sexy single lady.

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