How to Ask a Girl Out ( 3 Tips to Make Her Say Yes)

David Mann

What’s going on men? It’s David here and in this article I’m going to show you the most effective way to ask a girl out to give yourself the best chance of success. And I’m even going to share my secret line for handling rejection like a boss.

So, even if things don’t go according to plan, it does not get awkward. Let’s begin. So, the approach I’m going to share with you in this article, it’s going to work regardless whether you’re trying to ask out a random girl you just met on the street, or whether you’re trying to ask out a girl who you’ve known for a while, like a co-worker, or someone like that.

Anyway, to keep this article fun and engaging, I’m actually going to demonstrate these things for you on random girls in the streets here in Boston, as I give you the tips.

So, let’s head downtown and make it happen. The first tip that I have for you is to always:

1. Always State Your Intentions When You’re Asking a Girl Out:

What I mean by this, is to make it clear that you’re asking her out on a romantic date. You’re not just trying to hang out with her as friends, and yes, I know this is going to increase your rate of rejection, and it’s going to make it more intimidating to ask her out.

But think about it this way. Imagine you don’t do this, and she says yes, and then all of a sudden, you’re on a date with her, or at least you think you’re on a date with her, but she just thinks you guys are out at dinner together being friends. You don’t want to be in that situation. That sucks!

And that’s how you fall into the friend zone. So, the easiest way to avoid this is just to tell her that you think she’s cute when you ask her out, and that’s what I’m going to demonstrate for you right now on a random girl here in Boston. Wish me luck.

David: “Excuse me, do you know if there’s a Starbucks somewhere around here?” Woman: “I donk know. There probably is” David: “I have to be honest with you, I stopped you because I thought you’re really cute”.

Woman: “Oh stop”. David: “I could be wrong but, would you want to hang out sometimes?” Woman: “I actually have a boyfriend” David: “Sorry, it’s all good. Take it as a compliment”. Woman: “Thank you”. David: “Have a good day”. Woman: “You too”.

Alright, so as you can see, I got rejected there. She said she has a boyfriend, but, you know, it was obvious to her why I wanted to hang out, so at least now I know that she’s not down to hang out with me.

2. Be Direct:

The second tip I have for you is to be direct. When you ask a girl out, you want to ask her straight up; do you want to hang out sometime? Or even be more specific than that and say do you want to grab drinks sometime? Or something like that. Because when you do this, then you know you guys are on the same page, and that she has the full intention of meeting up with you and then from that point it’s just a matter of scheduling it and figuring out the logistics.

The mistake most guys make here, is that they ask the girl are you free tonight? Or what are you doing this weekend? And they sort of beat around the bush rather than just asking to go straight up. And when you do this, it’s almost like you’re hoping that the girl’s going to ask you out, but that’s just not going to happen bro. So, you can see that in the first demonstration I already asked a girl straight up, but I’m going to demonstrate that for you again. I’m going to be a little bit more specific this time just to give you guys another look. Let’s go do it.

David: “Excuse me; do you know if there’s a Starbucks somewhere down around this street?” Woman: “There is one, I think… David: “I got to be honest with you, I stopped you because you’re really cute”. Woman: “Oh thanks”. David: “Do you want to grab drinks sometime”? I’d love to talk more but I go to run, get some things done.

Woman: “Oh, I’m dating someone, but thank you”. David: “Oh that’s ok, take it as a compliment. Have a good day”. Woman: “Thank you”. Alright, there’s another rejection for you guys. So, while I’ve been rejected both these times, I want you guys to keep in mind that I’m asking girls out within seconds of meeting them on the street, and the success rate is always going to be very low with this, but these exact same tactics are extremely effective if you use them in a more social familiar setting.

For example; a girl you see at the gym all the time, or a girl who works in your office, or a girl you see at the coffee shop all the time, I can tell you from my personal experience the when you check girls up in these settings, and then you just throw it in there; “hey, I think you’re cute, do you want to hang out sometime?” it works at a very high percentage of the time.

3. Embrace Rejection:

The final tip I have for you is to embrace rejection. Think about it like this you’re never going to regret asking girl out and getting rejected, because at least now you know that she’s not into you.

But you are going to regret it if you don’t ask her out. You’re going to beat yourself up about it, you’re going to be wondering, you know, what if? What if I just manned up and asked her out?

But anyway, the easiest way to prepare yourself to handle rejection, is to use that line that I’ve been using throughout this video if you do get rejected. Just be like “hey, that’s alright just take it as a compliment”.

Because now, she’s not going to think your butt hurt, she’s not going to feel bad for you, and in the future, if you run into her again you can still chat her up casually, and it’s not going to be awkward at all.

Anyway, in the spirit of living up to this advice, I’m going to face rejection one more time for you guys. Let’s go find another cutie to holler at.

David: “Excuse me, question; Do you know if there’s a Starbucks around here? Down this way maybe? Woman: “There’s one on each end”. David: “Oh No, look, I stopped you because you’re really cute”. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. What’s your name? Woman: “Anya”

David: “David, nice to meet you”. Anya: “Nice to meet you”. David: “You’re not from around here? Are you?” Anya: “I work here, so, I’m from like the suburb.

David: “Suburb of Boston”. Anya: “Yes”. David: “Oh cool” I feel like it’s a million different suburbs around here”. Anya: “Where are you from?”

David: “I’m from South of Boston, sorry to being awkward”. Woman: “No worries”. David: “I got to run, but what do you want to hang out sometimes?” Woman: “Maybe, I’m moving to Texas like in a month”.

David: “Where in Texas?” Anya: “Austin”. David: “No way, I’m thinking of moving there. Anya: “Really?” David: “I’ve been like between there and San Diego”.

Anya: “No way. For work?” David: “No. Well, I work from home. Anya: “Oh cool”. David: “Let me get your phone number let me see if we can make it happen”.

Boom, we finally got one, and I don’t know if you guys could pick up on it through the video and audio, but I was actually super awkward during that entire interaction; but she still said she was down to hang out. She still gave me her phone number, and I think there’s an important lesson there that, you just have to face rejection, you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to be super confident; if you just face rejection sometimes that alone is enough.

Anyway, those are three tips you can use to ask a girl out, and give yourself the best possible chance of success. And right now, if you’re a guy who struggles to face rejection, then good news is you can reframe it in your mind as a compliment.

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